The Most World Assembly Endorsements in The East Pacific
World Census staff pored through World Assembly records to determine which nations were the most endorsed by others in their region.
As a region, The East Pacific is ranked 17th in the world for Most World Assembly Endorsements.
5,231. | The United Socialist States of Hatangory | Corrupt Dictatorship | “United we stand, Divided we fall” | |
5,232. | The Most Serene Republic of Distancel | Libertarian Police State | “Perils permeate the sea; and yet the seas mirror heaven” | |
5,233. | The Holy Empire of Humanida | New York Times Democracy | “Deus no centro, Maria vigia , trabalho crescendo ” | |
5,234. | The Democratic Republic of Tomodashi | Corporate Bordello | “Make more is have more” | |
5,235. | The Republic of Nictopia Scy | Anarchy | “From Many, One” | |
5,236. | The Republic of Ashthland | New York Times Democracy | “For lebron for peace” | |
5,237. | The Empire of Geok | Left-Leaning College State | “Make the most of life” | |
5,238. | The Free Land of LongBanana | Left-wing Utopia | “Freedom and banana” | |
5,239. | The Empire of Yurro-Miroslavia | Inoffensive Centrist Democracy | “Never give up” | |
5,240. | The United Kingdom of Eridana | Tyranny by Majority | “Forza, Onore, Perseveranza/力、名誉、忍耐” |