The Most World Assembly Endorsements in The East Pacific

World Census staff pored through World Assembly records to determine which nations were the most endorsed by others in their region.

As a region, The East Pacific is ranked 15th in the world for Most World Assembly Endorsements.

1.The United Forests of American-CascadiaDemocratic Socialists“A strong environment makes a strong nation.”
2.The Land Down Under of MerlovichDemocratic Socialists“You'll come a-waltzing matilda with me”
3.The Sun Kingdom of DremaurLeft-Leaning College State“Respice Adspice Prospice”
4.The Weed-Choked Lawn of A mean old manFather Knows Best State“Always fighting crime -- especially youth-related.”
5.The Avian Confederation of AxdelLeft-wing Utopia“Freedom in Flight”
6.The Mukorasak Seysa of East MalaysiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Rekomiynmun”
7.The Interuniversal Civilization of AivintisFather Knows Best State“No mortal was meant to know such wonder”
8.The Fandom of Urthvision and Oil of New LeganesLeft-wing Utopia“OIL”
9.The Inner Reflections of ZukchivaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“When I've woken, will I still want to be me?”
10.The Vizier of AsendaviaFather Knows Best State“Country, Army, Family”
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