The Most Valuable International Artwork in The Communist Bloc

Some nations attempt to collect signature artworks of other nations, developing collections known as "decks." The World Census has estimated their value.

As a region, The Communist Bloc is ranked 940th in the world for Most Valuable International Artwork.

1.The Pеoplе's Rеpublic of AcadianeLeft-wing Utopia“Prolétairеs dе tous lеs pays, unissеz-vous!”
2.The 𝖕𝖊𝖔𝖕𝖑𝖊 𝖕𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗 of ComunyNew York Times Democracy“☭”
3.The Democratic States of Council of AmericaCorrupt Dictatorship“United In Honesty, Integrity, Simplicity.”
4.The Rainbow Confederacy of UFROEScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Every month is a month to be proud”
5.The Grand Commune of EleutheryaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“E Pluribus, Vita”
6.The Federal Socialist Republic of AtlancLiberal Democratic Socialists“March Forward! Do It For the Working Class!”
7.The Free Land of KittyuwuLeft-wing Utopia“Life is like cat”
8.The Holy Devolved Protectorate of ShihganfePsychotic Dictatorship“Look to the skies!”
9.The Red Republic of PertsjanLeft-wing Utopia“Justice, Freedom, Prosperity”
10.The ⏳🎡⌛️ of EqulainneLeft-wing Utopia“🎡⏳🎬🎡🎥🎞🎡⌛️🎬”
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