The Most Corrupt Governments in The Brotherhood of Malice

World Census officials visited a range of government departments and recorded how frequently bribes were required to complete simple administrative requests.

As a region, The Brotherhood of Malice is ranked 2,083rd in the world for Most Corrupt Governments.

1.The Will Of One of Klaus DevestatorieCorporate Bordello“Courage. Resolve. Unity. Order. Ruthlessness.”
2.The Eternally Tired Raider of Thorn1000Corporate Police State“Attending Major? A Major Pain.”
3.The Principality of P I C SCorporate Police State“Your money is mine.”
4.The Despotic Kingdom of Kennicott-Psychotic Dictatorship“Your total obedience is my command.”
5.The Black Circus of Boris CultPsychotic Dictatorship“Loss of language is the loss of world”
6.The Pit of Endless Despair of The Pit of Endless DespairCorporate Police State“Get rich or die trying”
7.The Federal Republic of The Better ArstotzkaPsychotic Dictatorship“Glory to Arstotzka”
8.The Occultia Automata of VleerianFather Knows Best State“Gold to Green and Red, swirling in a lapis bowl.”
9.The Dictatorship of CieranvilleIron Fist Consumerists“Tapirs for all”
10.The High Priesthood of RaxionIron Fist Consumerists“blessed is the outcome, whatever it may be”
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