The Most Armed in The Brotherhood of Malice

World Census experts took their lives into their hands in order to ascertain the average number of deadly weapons per citizen.

As a region, The Brotherhood of Malice is ranked 3,153rd in the world for Most Armed.

21.The Borderlands of Tora NitiaCorporate Bordello“Death or Glory”
22.The Bohemian Revolution of Scooby-DooNew York Times Democracy“Truth, Beauty, Freedom, and LOVE”
23.The Will of Queen of the RuckusFather Knows Best State“I always liked to play with fire”
24.The Republic of Mrs VenicoInoffensive Centrist Democracy“I do”
25.The Sultanate of BizarrerCorporate Police State“O importante é lucrar”
26.The Malicious Nation of New SunvilleFather Knows Best State“The real balls moment was the friends we made.”
27.The Kingdom of Kingdom of TiraniaLibertarian Police State“Salus populi suprema lex esto”
28.The Devilish Delinquent of DeviousCorporate Police State“Decidedly Deceitful~”
29.The 11 Minute Long Original Song of Weird Al AlbuquerqueCapitalizt“So I did.”
30.The Caustic Countess of Violent SparklesAnarchy“Heart & Resilience”
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