The Most Authoritarian in Sonnel

World Census staff loitered innocuously in various public areas and recorded the length of time that passed before they were approached by dark-suited officials.

As a region, Sonnel is ranked 8,361st in the world for Most Authoritarian.

31.The Hacking Encore of Upper Sunrise IslandsInoffensive Centrist Democracy“5H0CK TH3 5Y5T3M”
32.The Canon Destroyers of SulsulandLeft-Leaning College State“OoPs SulSu BrokE ReaLiTy AgAIn”
33.The Republic of VixetteLeft-Leaning College State“Peuple sans fierté est un pays voué à l'insignifiance.”
34.The Repubblica of BeteranLeft-Leaning College State“Freedom guides the way”
35.The Republic of KaylaforniaCapitalist Paradise“OMG!!!”
36.The Interlunar Triarchy of OteshknirCivil Rights Lovefest“Risen from the wreckage”
37.The Hegemony of The Confederacy of NationalismCivil Rights Lovefest“Nothing is beyond our reach.”
38.The United States of New UmojaAnarchy“Together We Rise, United We Thrive”