The Most Pro-Market in RAAI

This data was compiled by surveying a random sample of businesses with the question, "Do you believe the government is committed to free market policies?"

As a region, RAAI is ranked 22,511th in the world for Most Pro-Market.

1.The Free Land of The Island of IslaCapitalist Paradise“Ya baby she's got it”
2.The Republic of Pappa PalpatineCorporate Bordello“My Lord, Stormtrooper”
3.The Holy Empire of THE SUN GODCorporate Police State“────▄████▄▄───▄▀█▀▐└─┐───█▄▐▌▄”
4.The Incorporated States of Corporation of Frankenstein ChikingInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Try the new CHIKING made with 100% real Chicken”
5.The Republic of Shania Twain FanclubNew York Times Democracy“Man I feel like a woman”
6.The Dictatorship of The Imperial Mussolinian EmpireIron Fist Consumerists“I will make them call me Don”
7.The Principality of Mer New AdasterFather Knows Best State“Twirling Toward Freedom”
8.The Principality of Rethrace FisoosMoralistic Democracy“Twirling Toward Tyranny”
9.The United Kingdom of Hard Boiled EggsCorrupt Dictatorship“You Can't Start Progress”
10.The United Kingdom of TangerinesPsychotic Dictatorship“From Many, One”