The Largest Governments in Pocket Monster Isles

World Census agents lined up at public agencies around the world in order to study the extent of government in nations, taking into consideration economic output, social and cultural significance, and raw size.

As a region, Pocket Monster Isles is ranked 9,795th in the world for Largest Governments.

1.The Holy Empire of The Pokemon IslesTyranny by Majority“Freedom to all Pokémon!”
2.The Republic of GabiteInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Fight for all Dragons!”
3.The Holy Empire of BraixenPsychotic Dictatorship“On the way to magic restoration.”
4.The Federation of ShayminLeft-wing Utopia“Levis est scriptor viam naturae.”
5.The Constitutional Monarchy of TerrakionNew York Times Democracy“Unum Vero Terrć.”
6.The Protectorate of EeveeonaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“We don't always succeed, but we will try our hardest.”
7.The Dimension of NinetalesInoffensive Centrist Democracy“True power is rarely understood.”
8.The Rogue Nation of FlareonIron Fist Consumerists“Fire does not have mercy.”
9.The Principality of DusknoirFather Knows Best State“Darkness reaps the forgotten.”
10.The Community of UxieCivil Rights Lovefest“Knowledge is existences power.”