The Best Weather in Osiris

The following nations were determined to have the best all-round weather.

As a region, Osiris is ranked 12,211th in the world for Best Weather.

1.The Waldgängers 🌲🌲🌲 of TurulorszagDemocratic Socialists“The Anarch is to Anarchist, as Monarch to Monarchist”
2.The Republic of DiallandDemocratic Socialists“Freedom, Liberty, Human Rights”
3.The ᕬØᙢÅᗬØᒺØᘜYᐉ of The blakniteLeft-wing Utopia“Åᒺᒺ:PØᙡ(3)ᖆ:ᖭØ:ᖭh(3):kØᙢµᕬ(3)§ᐉ”
4.The Holy Empire of KarolosiaAuthoritarian Democracy“Aut Vincere Aut Mori”
5.The Grand Nation of AraraukarCorrupt Dictatorship“Do as I say or it's the last thing you'll ever do.”
6.The Nomadic Peoples of KaczynskiaDemocratic Socialists“Money cannot be eaten.”
7.The Kingdom of Whitton WorldInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Nulli Secundus”
8.The Republic of LibedonithScandinavian Liberal Paradise“From Many, One”
9.The Supreme Pocialist Empire of The Teletubby RepublicCorrupt Dictatorship“Eh-oh!”
10.The Tribal Democratic Union of ChampaignScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Freedom is the Right of All Sentient Beings”
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