The Highest Drug Use in Osiris

World Census experts sampled many cakes of dubious content to determine which nations' citizens consume the most recreational drugs.

As a region, Osiris is ranked 19,642nd in the world for Highest Drug Use.

11.The Free Land of AncaplstanAnarchy“For a new liberty”
12.The Community of RockTownDemocratic Socialists“Ugg rugganga uh”
13.The Rogue Nation of Forcarol2Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Ottom”
14.The Vulcanarchists of Zoo TroubleCivil Rights Lovefest“Insults Are Effective Only Where Emotion is Present.”
15.The Heterogeneously High States of KikiyoAnarchy“We're just burning rope back here, 'aight?”
16.The Anti Statist of Pura LibertasterraAnarchy“The natural order of things is the absence of order.”
17.The Public Domain of KhanatahLeft-wing Utopia“Overthrow Heaven; Dethrone God!”
18.The Rogue Nation of AlliestrumAnarchy“Strength Through Freedom”
19.The Nomadic Peoples of KaczynskiaDemocratic Socialists“Money cannot be eaten.”
20.The Place of ThordLeft-wing Utopia“We're barely a society”
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