The Smartest Citizens in NATO 2022

The World Census eavesdropped on conversations in coffee shops, on campuses, and around cinemas in order to determine which nations have the most quick-witted, insightful, and knowledgeable citizens.

As a region, NATO 2022 is ranked 3,275th in the world for Smartest Citizens.

21.The Republic of LiechteinInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Für Gott, Fürst und Vaterland”
22.The Directorial Theocracy of The IluminateNew York Times Democracy“The Knowledgeable in Control.”
23.The Commonwealth of Du BostokernNew York Times Democracy“The World Benefits with Bostokern”
24.The Great Empire of East TerinnikeliaFather Knows Best State“We Together, Stand Strong”
25.The Republic of LeptionCivil Rights Lovefest“Strength Through Compliance”
26.The Gloom of The TerminidsNew York Times Democracy“🪳🪳🪳🪳”
27.The Republic of AmbartionDemocratic Socialists“MY PIZZA”
28.The Nomadic Peoples of Kub IsleDemocratic Socialists“Strength Through Freedom”
29.The People's Syndicate of CorlesonDemocratic Socialists“From the Earth, for the People, we rise in Solidarity!”
30.The Loving Couple of -Thanks To-ThemFather Knows Best State“Lumity”