The Most Inclusive in Lemuria

WA analysts ranked nations based on whether all citizens were commonly treated as equally valuable members of society.

As a region, Lemuria is ranked 1,938th in the world for Most Inclusive.

1.The Banana Bread Provider of ErastideDemocratic Socialists“A thought a day keeps the stupid police away”
2.The Grand Duchy of CassarallaFather Knows Best State“Certainty in Valour”
3.The Legendary Republic of CakatoaNew York Times Democracy“What does not kill you only makes you...stranger”
4.The Houses of Federal LemuriaLeft-Leaning College State“Pandyan, Muthur, Olinadu, Kumari-Aru, Dec-can, Pahruli”
5.The Eluvian Conspiracy of El PuppetCorporate Police State“Veni Vidi Vici”
6.The Clothing-Optional Beaches of MakenalandCorporate Bordello“Don't worry, be happy”
7.The Often Inebriated Nation of MonkeyWooWooLeft-Leaning College State“When I want your opinion I'll give it to you!”