The Most Corrupt Governments in League of States

World Census officials visited a range of government departments and recorded how frequently bribes were required to complete simple administrative requests.

1.The Plurinational State of AraocaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Un pueblo, una nación, con soberanía y dignidad”
2.The Socialist States of BohacaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Progression is the way for triumph.”
3.The State of Providencia de Santa CatalinaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Pax et Justitia”
4.The Tribal State of PacajesInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Inopinatum Expectes”
5.The Republic of FormosTyranny by Majority“Un país, una república, un destino”
6.The Revolutionary Government of -Las Islas FilipinasTyranny by Majority“Dios, Justicia y Igualdad”
7.The High Commission of Trust Territory of the Pacific IslandsLeft-Leaning College State“Honor the Past, Build the Future”
8.The Bakery of PandesalInoffensive Centrist Democracy“The National Bread of the Philippines”
9.The Bolivarian Republic of Santander de AtlanticoAuthoritarian Democracy“Los Ciudadanos Unidos son la esperanza del país.”
10.The Province of HerediaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Libertad, Paz, y Progreso”