The Most Subsidized Industry in Lazarus

Nations ranked highly spend the most on developing and supporting industry, a practice known as 'corporate welfare.'

As a region, Lazarus is ranked 5,047th in the world for Most Subsidized Industry.

31.The Republic of Dull BurhamIron Fist Consumerists“We Will Endure”
32.The Grand Holy Imperial Empire of General MikePsychotic Dictatorship“No Britannia Hotel! That's the prostitution hotel.”
33.The Republic of War Dogs XVIMoralistic Democracy“To the front you scurvy dogs!”
34.The Sylvan Hivə of TurbeauxCivil Rights Lovefest“Not only doəs God play dicə, thə dicə arə loadəd.”
35.The Always Changing Shapes of FeuxCorrupt Dictatorship“Always Changing Shapes”
36.The Confederacy of Western Northern Eastern SouthernIron Fist Consumerists“From Many, One”
37.The Grand Duchy of Dragons PowerPsychotic Dictatorship“We live, we rule, we conquer”
38.The People's Republic of Hand KringsMoralistic Democracy“Strength Through Freedom”
39.The Awkwardly Realistic Lugia of ChristopolasCivil Rights Lovefest“Weltschmerz”
40.The United Socialist States of TerpkolandCorporate Police State“Terpko is the ultimate leader of Terpkoland”
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