The World World Census

The Most Extensive Civil Rights in the World

The citizens of nations ranked highly enjoy a great amount of civil rights, or freedoms to go about their personal business without interference or regulation from government.

41.The Queen's State of HSAnarchy“Don't Recruit Me”
42.The Principality of FleroviumCivil Rights Lovefest“Element Number 114”
43.The Commonwealth of Liberty BenAnarchy“To see by Faith, you must shut the Eye of Reason.”
44.The State of TrinidadAnarchy“Reborn”
45.The State of Bailey CommandAnarchy“Region”
46.The District of Chery EnglishAnarchy“Fledgling state”
47.The Queen's State of Minou FouAnarchy“Golden Opportunity”
48.The State of ZRAnarchy“Peace”
49.The State of STAnarchy“Cleaned”
50.The State of YSAnarchy“Enumerator”
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