The Largest Manufacturing Sector in Home Sweet 9003

World Census bean-counters tabulated data from across several industries in order to determine which nations have the largest Manufacturing sectors.

As a region, Home Sweet 9003 is ranked 260th in the world for Largest Manufacturing Sector.

21.The Protectorate of 90034Authoritarian Democracy“9003”
22.The Incorporated States of 90044Iron Fist Consumerists“9003”
23.The Dominion of Cardmania90014Iron Fist Consumerists“I'm Not Dead Yet!”
24.The Jingoistic States of Cardmania90058Moralistic Democracy“Lvl 11”
25.The                              of 90020Iron Fist Consumerists“9003”
26.The Community of 90036Iron Fist Consumerists“9003”
27.The Constitutional Monarchy of Cardmania90012Moralistic Democracy“I'm Not Dead Yet!”
28.The Emirate of 90032Moralistic Democracy“9003”
29.The Principality of Cardmania90040Iron Fist Consumerists“Lvl 24”
30.The United States of Cardmania900108Authoritarian Democracy“Forward unto the dawn”
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