The Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector in Hispano Germanic Alliance

World Census special forces intercepted crates of smuggled weapons to determine which nations have the largest arms industry.

As a region, Hispano Germanic Alliance is ranked 18,280th in the world for Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector.

1.The Black Empire of AthatrondeasiaIron Fist Consumerists“Forget it.”
2.The Evil Raider of VisoraxMoralistic Democracy“Banject them all.”
3.The Black Hawk of Holor Retcon StarkillerPsychotic Dictatorship“Formerly main, now just nation.”
4.The Darkness of Lord VisoraxusIron Fist Consumerists“Infinity isn't over yet”
5.The Holy Empire of Optimus Legius OpostitePsychotic Dictatorship“Someone Vult. Always.”
6.The Rogue Nation of Poll RaiderCapitalist Paradise“All your poll are belong to us”
7.The Republic of Notta BlackhawkInoffensive Centrist Democracy“n/a.”
8.The Nomadic Peoples of The EPSAFather Knows Best State“HAIL PACIFICUM ORIENTALE!”
9.The Empire of Ibyqrzbeg InqreqneguIron Fist Consumerists“Unlimited power!”
10.The Republic of Inner Duca LadamargIron Fist Consumerists“Duca Ladamarg fiddled while UEPU burned”
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