The Most Extreme in Hell

The World Census ranked nations on the basis of how odd, extreme, or fundamentalist their social, economic, and political systems are.

As a region, Hell is ranked 7,716th in the world for Most Extreme.

241.The Republic of MyBeautifulBlackQueen15New York Times Democracy“Fee”
242.The Prince of Hell of KyrainaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“By Defending the weak, we Protect the Strong”
243.The Empire of Holy empire of ranmarkNew York Times Democracy“Eat lighting and crap thunder”
244.The Republic of MyBeautifulBlackQueen14New York Times Democracy“Fee”
245.The Satanic Paradise of RedfellLeft-Leaning College State“Paradise lost, and found”
246.The Republic of MyBeautifulBlackQueen11Democratic Socialists“Fee”
247.The Spirit of JezebelMother Knows Best State“The Beast Bound In Jewels”
248.The Sultanate of AboutblankMoralistic Democracy“Work”
249.The Republic of SuperdeeCivil Rights Lovefest“superdee travels universes, you think a squirrel can”
250.The Allied States of Fiji TwoDemocratic Socialists“United NationStates on the March”
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