The Most Armed in Greater Dienstad

World Census experts took their lives into their hands in order to ascertain the average number of deadly weapons per citizen.

As a region, Greater Dienstad is ranked 2,950th in the world for Most Armed.

1.The Confederate States of Scandinavian NationsCorporate Bordello“Ambitious, but rubbish.”
2.The Protectorate of LyrasIron Fist Consumerists“Undaunted”
3.The Empire of the Golden Throne of The MacabeesAnarchy“Non Plus Ultra”
4.The Eternal Union of The Ice StatesCompulsory Consumerist State“Cadere Vivere, Et Vivere In Aeternum”
5.The Angry Federation of DernelCorporate Police State“By Sword, Shield, and Flask”
6.The Rogue Nation of MSN13Iron Fist Consumerists“1977”
7.The Territory of DeamonopolisIron Fist Consumerists“Light of the South”
8.The Holy Empire of ElvwitandIron Fist Consumerists“Goddess, Homeland, Strength of the Warrior's Spirit”
9.The Corporate States of Vokhodia of TnemrotPsychotic Dictatorship“Vokhodia Prevails!”
10.The Holy Empire of StevidMoralistic Democracy“Nos Pugnamus pro Deus”
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