The Largest Pizza Delivery Sector in Greater Dienstad

World Census staff spent many nights answering the front door in order to measure which nations have the biggest Pizza Delivery industries.

As a region, Greater Dienstad is ranked 10,904th in the world for Largest Pizza Delivery Sector.

1.The Empire of the Golden Throne of The MacabeesAnarchy“Non Plus Ultra”
2.The Confederate States of Scandinavian NationsCorporate Bordello“Ambitious, but rubbish.”
3.The Protectorate of LyrasIron Fist Consumerists“Undaunted”
4.The Republic of EitoanCorporate Bordello“No Man A Slave”
5.The Kingdom of Castilla y BelmonteCapitalist Paradise“Non Plus Ultra”
6.The Holy Empire of StevidMoralistic Democracy“Nos Pugnamus pro Deus”
7.The Kingdom of VetrahjartDemocratic Socialists“Formed from many, united as one.”
8.The Allied States of United Trade CoalitionCivil Rights Lovefest“Many People, One Market”
9.The Eternal Union of The Ice StatesCompulsory Consumerist State“Cadere Vivere, Et Vivere In Aeternum”
10.The Federal Kingdom of MediterrainiaNew York Times Democracy“Life sucks. Deal with it.”
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