The Largest Black Market in Giovanniland

World Census agents tracked "off the books" deals and handshake agreements in order to study the size of nations' informal economies.

As a region, Giovanniland is ranked 2,016th in the world for Largest Black Market.

1.The Dominion of Gio Farm 13Authoritarian Democracy“Card Farming”
2.The Dominion of Gio Farm 42Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Card Farming”
3.The Dominion of Gio Farm 33Psychotic Dictatorship“Card Farming”
4.The Dominion of Gio Farm 41Iron Fist Consumerists“Card Farming”
5.The Dominion of Gio Farm 5Moralistic Democracy“Card Farming”
6.The Dominion of Gio Farm 18Iron Fist Consumerists“Card Farming”
7.The Dominion of Gio Farm 16Moralistic Democracy“Card Farming”
8.The Dominion of Gio Farm 44Psychotic Dictatorship“Card Farming”
9.The Dominion of Gio Farm 21Psychotic Dictatorship“Card Farming”
10.The Dominion of Gio Farm 12Iron Fist Consumerists“Card Farming”
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