The Greatest Rich-Poor Divides in Giovanniland

Nations ranked highly have large gaps between the incomes of rich and poor citizens. Nations low on the list have high levels of income equality.

As a region, Giovanniland is ranked 8,151st in the world for Greatest Rich-Poor Divides.

1.The Republic of Inflation 37Moralistic Democracy“Inflate all trading cards!”
2.The Republic of Inflation 157Iron Fist Consumerists“Inflate all trading cards!”
3.The Republic of Inflation 125Moralistic Democracy“Inflate all trading cards!”
4.The Fauna of Brazilian CapybaraIron Fist Consumerists“Brazilian Wildlife”
5.The Republic of Inflation 10Moralistic Democracy“Inflate all trading cards!”
6.The Republic of Inflation 47Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Inflate all trading cards!”
7.The Dominion of Gio Farm 111Iron Fist Consumerists“Card Farming”
8.The Dominion of Gio Farm 147Iron Fist Consumerists“Card Farming”
9.The Republic of Inflation 1Iron Fist Consumerists“Inflate all trading cards!”
10.The Northern of Estado de AmapaIron Fist Consumerists“Brazilian States”
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