The Highest Foreign Aid Spending in Fukuoka

The World Census intercepted food drops in several war-torn regions to determine which nations spent the most on international aid.

As a region, Fukuoka is ranked 12,333rd in the world for Highest Foreign Aid Spending.

1.The Commonwealth of VarisoviaFather Knows Best State“Our vigil stands for peace, prosperity, and tomorrow”
2.The Dictatorship of SonwaerLiberal Democratic Socialists“Money on the runny”
3.The Quiet Relaxation of A Forest ClearingPsychotic Dictatorship“Here You May Rest”
4.The Democratic Republic of West VaishnavariaAuthoritarian Democracy“Whats freedom but life”
5.The Republic of Wildthyme on Top XVIIIMoralistic Democracy“!”
6.The Theocracy of The Violet InquisitionPsychotic Dictatorship“Nobody expects the Violet Inquisition!”
7.The Republic of Wildthyme on Top XVIMoralistic Democracy“!”
8.The Custodian Part was Right of LDF Custodian of the Hall of RecordsLeft-Leaning College State“Celebrating the Terraconserva Football League”
9.The Empire of HabsvilleInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Nous sommes les habitants”
10.The Defender of Kivu XXXVIInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Still here.”
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