The Most Ignorant Citizens in Fukuoka

The World Census studied which nations seemed to have the greatest numbers of citizens that fell into the categories "ignorant," "oblivious," or "just plain dumb."

As a region, Fukuoka is ranked 14,624th in the world for Most Ignorant Citizens.

1.The Theocracy of The Violet InquisitionPsychotic Dictatorship“Nobody expects the Violet Inquisition!”
2.The Card Bank of Kivuian Card VaultIron Fist Consumerists“Still here”
3.The Defender of The Liberals and CommiesMoralistic Democracy“Still here”
4.The Defender of SuccessionIron Fist Consumerists“Still Here”
5.The Defender of Kivu VIIIPsychotic Dictatorship“Still here.”
6.The Republic of Wildthyme on Top XXXIAuthoritarian Democracy“!”
7.The Republic of Wildthyme on Top XXXIVPsychotic Dictatorship“!”
8.The Democratic Republic of West VaishnavariaAuthoritarian Democracy“Whats freedom but life”
9.The Republic of Wildthyme on Top IVAuthoritarian Democracy“!”
10.The Republic of Wildthyme on Top XXIXInoffensive Centrist Democracy“!”
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