The Most Authoritarian in Fukuoka

World Census staff loitered innocuously in various public areas and recorded the length of time that passed before they were approached by dark-suited officials.

As a region, Fukuoka is ranked 8,097th in the world for Most Authoritarian.

11.The Republic of Wildthyme on Top XXXIVPsychotic Dictatorship“!”
12.The Republic of Wildthyme on Top XXVIIIMoralistic Democracy“!”
13.The Defender of The Liberals and CommiesMoralistic Democracy“Still here”
14.The Republic of Wildthyme on Top VIIIIron Fist Consumerists“!”
15.The Chief Consul of Consul KivuAuthoritarian Democracy“Proudly serving since May 2024”
16.The Defender of Kivuian Intelligence AgencyAuthoritarian Democracy“Still here”
17.The Klingon Bird-of-Prey of KSN18Iron Fist Consumerists“wo' toy'taHvIS Hegh 'e' tul Hoch tlhIngan”
18.The Defender of Roman KivuIron Fist Consumerists“Still here”
19.The Republic of Wolveristan 0Moralistic Democracy“Twirling Toward Freedom”
20.The Republic of Wildthyme on Top XVIIIMoralistic Democracy“!”
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