The Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry in Fukuoka

The World Census measured the rate of desertification in order to calculate which nations have the largest timber industry.

As a region, Fukuoka is ranked 11,587th in the world for Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry.

21.The Defender of Kivu XCVInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Still here.”
22.The Defender of Kivu XIVInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Still here.”
23.The Defender of Roman KivuIron Fist Consumerists“Still here”
24.The Incorporated States of LDF CommandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Hummanty is at risk we must FIGHT”
25.The Defender of Kivu XXXVIInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Still here.”
26.The Republic of Wildthyme on Top XXIIIFather Knows Best State“!”
27.The Matriarchy of LDF KnightsInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Hummanty is at risk we must FIGHT”
28.The Farout Fantasy Football Feel of LDF Lineup NirvanaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Using your rainbow unicorn calisthenics to crush you!”
29.The Republic of Wildthyme on Top XXXIAuthoritarian Democracy“!”
30.The Defender of Kivu LXXVInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Still here.”
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