The Highest Unexpected Death Rate in Empire of Love

The World Census paid their respects at cemeteries in order to determine how likely citizens were to die each year from unnatural causes, such as crime, preventable illness, accident, and government encouragement.

As a region, Empire of Love is ranked 6,246th in the world for Highest Unexpected Death Rate.

21.The Empire of Gio47Corrupt Dictatorship“Theodosius I”
22.The Nomadic Peoples of GixaaIron Fist Consumerists“Peace and Justice”
23.The Federation of ALON 1Iron Fist Consumerists“Better than Bulletproof Glass”
24.The Federation of ALON 3Corrupt Dictatorship“Better than Bulletproof Glass”
25.The Rogue Nation of BSN53Authoritarian Democracy“A lo áspero por las estrellas”
26.The Kommune of Esbol BrigadeDemocratic Socialists“It's supposed to say Esbøl but Max Barry won't let it”
27.The Kommune of TakstadDemocratic Socialists“Yarrrr”
28.The Kommune of HindborgDemocratic Socialists“Yarrrr”
29.The Kommune of LinbuktLeft-wing Utopia“Yarrrr”
30.The Most Serene Republic of Honour Guard ZhiznovskScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Honour, Duty, Compassion”
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