The Highest Unexpected Death Rate in Empire of Love

The World Census paid their respects at cemeteries in order to determine how likely citizens were to die each year from unnatural causes, such as crime, preventable illness, accident, and government encouragement.

As a region, Empire of Love is ranked 6,246th in the world for Highest Unexpected Death Rate.

131.The Republic of Conrad BirdieDemocratic Socialists“Oh Conrad we love you”
132.The Empire of AgostoraConservative Democracy“God, Homeland, Liberty”
133.The Federation of Honor Guard StaneburgInoffensive Centrist Democracy“United in Diversity”
134.The Portmanteau Pirate of Captain BrantinoCapitalist Paradise“I'm the Cap'n now!”
135.The Cryptid Quartermaster of Oregon RaiderNew York Times Democracy“Send fascism to the briny depths”
136.The Federation of DesstoriaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“United in Diversity”
137.The Federal Republic of CatalunanInoffensive Centrist Democracy“From Many, One”
138.The Theocracy of Bidoof is GodLeft-wing Utopia“Doof”
139.The Republic of Viscount Raoul de ChagnyDemocratic Socialists“Pride and Industry”
140.The Community of GitsamMoralistic Democracy“From Many, One”
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