The Largest Basket Weaving Sector in Department Store

World Census agents infiltrated a variety of out-of-the-way towns and festivals in order to determine which nations have the most developed Basket Weaving industries.

As a region, Department Store is ranked 8,975th in the world for Largest Basket Weaving Sector.

31.The Department of RhoneDemocratic Socialists“Le sillon rhodanien.”
32.The Department of Haute-MarneMoralistic Democracy“Liberté, égalité, fraternité”
33.The Department of VienneMoralistic Democracy“Tradition, Famille, Propriété”
34.The Department of DromeMoralistic Democracy“Dauphinois toujours”
35.The Department of Val-de-MarneMoralistic Democracy“Liberté, égalité, fraternité”
36.The Department of Seine-MaritimeMoralistic Democracy“Liberté, égalité, fraternité”
37.The Department of Loir-et-CherMoralistic Democracy“Suivez raison”
38.The Department of Haute-LoireIron Fist Consumerists“Terre d'Auvergne”
39.The Department of Charente-MaritimeIron Fist Consumerists“Dieu, Patrie, et Famille.”
40.The Department of OrneRight-wing Utopia“Liberté, égalité, fraternité”