The Most Subsidized Industry in County

Nations ranked highly spend the most on developing and supporting industry, a practice known as 'corporate welfare.'

As a region, County is ranked 16,172nd in the world for Most Subsidized Industry.

1.The County of SkamaniaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Swift waters”
2.The Parish of AvoyellesRight-wing Utopia“Paroisse des Avoyelles - La Carrefour de la Louisiane”
3.The Parish of CalcasieuRight-wing Utopia“Cajun Country.”
4.The Republic of IsantiRight-wing Utopia“L'Étoile du Nord”
5.The Republic of WahkiakumFree-Market Paradise“Wahkiakum, My Home”
6.The County of WhatcomCapitalist Paradise“In God we Trust”
7.The County of CochiseRight-wing Utopia“Strength of an Oak”
8.The Republic of NowataRight-wing Utopia“Welcome”
9.The Republic of BannockRight-wing Utopia“Esto Perpetua”
10.The County of WashoeRight-wing Utopia“Battle Born”