The Largest Governments in Confederated Tribes of Mauch Chunk

World Census agents lined up at public agencies around the world in order to study the extent of government in nations, taking into consideration economic output, social and cultural significance, and raw size.

As a region, Confederated Tribes of Mauch Chunk is ranked 11,871st in the world for Largest Governments.

1.The Empire of ZetoxCorporate Police State“The Great Gazoo!”
2.The People's Republic of PortugaquistanDemocratic Socialists“Igualdade e Humanidade”
3.The Empire of GoergazerbajanPsychotic Dictatorship“We Will Endure”
4.The Kingdom of La GingerCorrupt Dictatorship“Allahu Akbar”
5.The United Kingdom of Ynn286Father Knows Best State“Rado”
6.The Republic of QwaszdCorrupt Dictatorship“Strength Through Freedom”
7.The Kingdom of Catholic RuleIron Fist Consumerists“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
8.The Republic of United States of EpsilonIron Fist Consumerists“Money, not those idiots.”
9.The Community of United RyantionialandCorrupt Dictatorship“Communism in the world”
10.The United Socialist States of KraobnaNew York Times Democracy“Together we progress”