The Most Avoided in Chicken overlords
Nations ranked highly are considered by many to be the most inhospitable, charmless, and ghastly places to spend a vacation, or, indeed, any time at all.
As a region, Chicken overlords is ranked 1,577th in the world for Most Avoided.
21. | The Kingdom of Womble 861 | Anarchy | “Might Makes Right” | |
22. | The Kingdom of Womble 13305 | Anarchy | “Peace and Justice” | |
23. | The Commonwealth of The Susan Company TM | Anarchy | “Buy Susan Products TM” | |
24. | The Kingdom of Womble 15824 | Anarchy | “Strength Through Freedom” | |
25. | The Kingdom of Womble 709 | Anarchy | “By The People For The People” | |
26. | The Kingdom of Womble 16172 | Anarchy | “You Can't Stop Progress” | |
27. | The Kingdom of Womble 4034 | Anarchy | “Might Makes Right” | |
28. | The Kingdom of Womble 10494 | Anarchy | “You Can't Stop Progress” | |
29. | The Kingdom of Womble 9680 | Anarchy | “Mission Accomplished” | |
30. | The Kingdom of Womble 10569 | Anarchy | “We Will Endure” |