The Fattest Citizens in Chicken overlords

World Census takers tracked the sale of Cheetos and Twinkies to ascertain which nations most enjoyed the "kind bud."

As a region, Chicken overlords is ranked 1,971st in the world for Fattest Citizens.

31.The Kingdom of Womble 16216Anarchy“By The People For The People”
32.The Kingdom of Womble 6200Anarchy“We Will Endure”
33.The Kingdom of Womble 2634Anarchy“Peace and Justice”
34.The Kingdom of Womble 13122Anarchy“Might Makes Right”
35.The Kingdom of Womble 14160Anarchy“You Can't Stop Progress”
36.The Kingdom of Womble 1122Anarchy“God, Homeland, Liberty”
37.The Kingdom of Womble 13234Anarchy“Mission Accomplished”
38.The Kingdom of Womble 16265Anarchy“You Can't Stop Progress”
39.The Kingdom of Womble 2360Anarchy“Might Makes Right”
40.The Kingdom of Womble 4034Anarchy“Might Makes Right”
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