The Most Cheerful Citizens in Capitalist Paradise

The World Census shared cheeky grins with citizens around the world in order to determine which were the most relentlessly cheerful.

As a region, Capitalist Paradise is ranked 28,379th in the world for Most Cheerful Citizens.

1.The Perfidious Theocracy of SnorlaxiaCivil Rights Lovefest“We are always pretty”
2.The 28 Billion Shameless S O B's of FASTERCATCapitalist Paradise“Moonbat Free Since '63”
3.The Capitalist Community of Circulationem PecuniaAnarchy“Fortis Praevaleat”
4.The Democratic States of ViperreichScandinavian Liberal Paradise“For the glory and the grace of our nation”
5.The Republic of HellbardiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Never give up”
6.The Collector of the forgotten of TalAkMaChenDemocratic Socialists“Let's go for another round”
7.The ArchQueendom of LadyFasterkittensInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Only Diamonds Will Do”
8.The United Federation of PlisskenstanInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Pecunia non olet”
9.The Hyper-Dimensional Neo-Nexus of CaelestiusNew York Times Democracy“Perfection Manifested”
10.The Free Domes of Meridiani PlanumCapitalizt“We flourish together as free men and women”
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