The Highest Disposable Incomes in California Colleges and Universities

The World Census calculated the average incomes of citizens after paying tax.

As a region, California Colleges and Universities is ranked 14,603rd in the world for Highest Disposable Incomes.

31.The College of Occidental CollegeAnarchy“Occidens Proximus Orienti”
32.The Community of Computer Training SourceCapitalizt“Hands On, Instructor-Led, E-Learning”
33.The University of Alliant International UniversityCorporate Bordello“Ministerium Et Ducibus”
34.The Community of Oak Brook College of LawCivil Rights Lovefest“The Journey to Impact”
35.The University of UC RiversideCapitalizt“Fiat Lux”
36.The Community of Paris Beauty CollegeCorporate Bordello“Cosmetology, Esthetics, & Manicuring”
37.The Community of Neihule Academy of BeautyCorporate Bordello“Cosmetology and Esthetics”
38.The Community of Stanton UniversityCorporate Bordello“Join the Success”
39.The University of San Jose-StateCapitalist Paradise“Powering Silicon Valley”
40.The Community of Elite Perm Makeup-Cosmetology CollegeCompulsory Consumerist State“Be the Best. Be Elite.”
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