The Largest Populations in Balder
The following nations have the greatest number of citizens.
As a region, Balder is ranked 16,770th in the world for Largest Populations.
1. | The Empire of Ganiax | Father Knows Best State | “Them's fightin' words.” | |
2. | The Commonwealth of Nianacio | Civil Rights Lovefest | “Harimau pepasa atmia.” | |
3. | The Chicken Factory of Bucketheadland | Inoffensive Centrist Democracy | “Hold your breath, make a wish, count to three.” | |
4. | The Super Secret Spy Guy of Shaq Fu | Inoffensive Centrist Democracy | “Boom shaqqa laqqa!” | |
5. | The Holy Empire of Devoted Snails | Psychotic Dictatorship | “Everybody's mortal but me” | |
6. | The Imperium of Tonyonia | Inoffensive Centrist Democracy | “Welcome to Tonyonia, female dog.” | |
7. | The Free Land of Impending Damnation | Anarchy | “Freedom from authority; freedom from accountability” | |
8. | The Free Republic of Rich Scholars | Capitalist Paradise | “Knowledge (and money) is power” | |
9. | The Isotope of Pope on Dope | Tyranny by Majority | “Nope, nope, nope.” | |
10. | The Boneless Ferocity of Pterygioteuthis | Corporate Police State | “Spine? Nein.” |