The Largest Governments in Balder

World Census agents lined up at public agencies around the world in order to study the extent of government in nations, taking into consideration economic output, social and cultural significance, and raw size.

As a region, Balder is ranked 6,525th in the world for Largest Governments.

1.The Shining Islands of G C BakuraDemocratic Socialists“It's Time to Draw!”
2.The Republic of SaltanyasLeft-wing Utopia“Work is Play”
3.The Empire of LitchenstienenDemocratic Socialists“Forward. Together.”
4.The Oppressed Peoples of DrogmarPsychotic Dictatorship“Suffering for everyone but me”
5.The United Socialist Alliance of FranchinaPsychotic Dictatorship“The bourgeoisie is right inside the Communist Party”
6.The Pretitle of Spiritual Lyrical Individual MiraclesDemocratic Socialists“National Motto”
7.The Federation of ERRIBURGDemocratic Socialists“Long live the president”
8.The Largely Ungoverned Territory of OneiroLiberal Democratic Socialists“Posession is imprisonment.”
9.The Galactic Sith Empire of MitarevCorrupt Dictatorship“Through victory, my chains are broken”
10.The Consolidated Technocracy of MatonisPsychotic Dictatorship“Order. Security. Conformity. Control.”
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