The Lowest Overall Tax Burden in Balder

World Census financial experts assessed nations across a range of direct and indirect measures in order to determine which placed the lowest tax burden on their citizens.

As a region, Balder is ranked 24,800th in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden.

21.The Confederacy of RedefCapitalist Paradise“money makes the world go round”
22.The Holy Empire of HeadcrabiansCorporate Police State“Civil rights exist only to be banned.”
23.The Armed Republic of TehUnitedStatesAnarchy“Live Free or Die”
24.The Holy Empire of DonttreadonmeistanCompulsory Consumerist State“Don't tread on me”
25.The Anarcho Fascist Empire of Aurea AdamasCapitalizt“To shine like the sun first you have to burn like it.”
26.The Republic of CapitalemCivil Rights Lovefest“En Tan Lodeo me sonpatieron vernon”
27.The Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland of BaikalistanFather Knows Best State“This is the way the world ends...”
28.The Commonwealth of NianacioCivil Rights Lovefest“Harimau pepasa atmia.”
29.The Protectorate of Celino and BarnesCapitalist Paradise“Celino and Barnes, injury attorneys, 800-888-8888”
30.The Federation of Android ConfederationCompulsory Consumerist State“Cheap, Carrier Friendly, good enough phones”
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