The Greatest Rich-Poor Divides in Balder

Nations ranked highly have large gaps between the incomes of rich and poor citizens. Nations low on the list have high levels of income equality.

As a region, Balder is ranked 5,902nd in the world for Greatest Rich-Poor Divides.

31.The Empire of TsingtawCorporate Police State“HOLD MY BEER”
32.The Kingdom of DuergarCorporate Police State“Dig Deeper”
33.The Federal Republic of GeermanyCorporate Bordello“Capitalismo, Ahorro y trabajo duro.”
34.The Free Land of MonetaristanAnarchy“To Each Their Own”
35.The Fiefdom of NeofeudalCapitalist Paradise“Profit, Profit, Profit!”
36.The Republic of CapitanioCorporate Police State“Dinheiro é dinheiro”
37.The Republic of PanamaCapitalist Paradise“Pro Mundi Beneficio”
38.The Republic of Thernia TombaziluffAnarchy“From Many, One”
39.The Corporate Ran Police State of NGRACorporate Police State“buy something or leave”
40.The United Corporations of DummkopfenCorporate Police State“Don't be evil. Oh wait, we already are.”
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