The Most Advanced Defense Forces in Balder

Nations ranked highly spend the most on national defense, and are most secure against foreign aggression.

As a region, Balder is ranked 4,342nd in the world for Most Advanced Defense Forces.

15,831.The Democratic Republic of TyuhuDemocratic Socialists“Pride and Industry”
15,832.The Life-Bringing Hippies of Flower Power NationLiberal Democratic Socialists“Free Love!”
15,833.The United States of TiglismaCivil Rights Lovefest“Peace and Justice”
15,834.The Nomadic Peoples of TheWatchersLeft-Leaning College State“A single choice can branch out into infinite realities!”
15,835.The Democratic States of BerskakhLiberal Democratic Socialists“Motto...”
15,836.The Free Land of Saint John BrebeufDemocratic Socialists“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
15,837.The Republic of NS Buenos Aires ArgentinaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“En Unión y Libertad”
15,838.The Republic of Sak535Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“I'm sorry, you were too slow.”
15,839.The Republic of RSCA87Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Vires In Numeris”
15,840.The Confederacy of BystantDemocratic Socialists“We will never surrender”
«12. . .1,5811,5821,5831,5841,5851,5861,587. . .1,6481,649»