The Rudest Citizens in Balder

World Census experts telephoned citizens from all nations at just before dinner time, in a study to determine which populations were most brash, rude, or brusque.

As a region, Balder is ranked 16,752nd in the world for Rudest Citizens.

31.The Rogue Nation of Warpfire 9Civil Rights Lovefest“Bleeding Hearts Are Best”
32.The Holy Empire of DonttreadonmeistanCompulsory Consumerist State“Don't tread on me”
33.The Republic of NusantaroCapitalist Paradise“Work, Peace, Progress”
34.The Free Land of Impending DamnationAnarchy“Freedom from authority; freedom from accountability”
35.The Federative Republic of Mers HarskCapitalist Paradise“Unity, Discipline, Work”
36.The Nomadic Peoples of KriegiersienInoffensive Centrist Democracy“There are different shades of crazy.”
37.The Republic of EdisoniaIron Fist Consumerists“All hail the golden profit bird! *squawk*”
38.The Federal Republic of BrignoliaAnarchy“E Libertas, Veritum et Aequitum”
39.The Commonwealth of CromaliaCivil Rights Lovefest“F--- it, we ball.”
40.The Republic of Libo LyricaCapitalist Paradise“You Can't Stop Progress”
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