The Rudest Citizens in Balder

World Census experts telephoned citizens from all nations at just before dinner time, in a study to determine which populations were most brash, rude, or brusque.

As a region, Balder is ranked 16,752nd in the world for Rudest Citizens.

11.The Fiefdom of Qiang GarruaCompulsory Consumerist State“Wealth Makes Right”
12.The Republic of GilkiInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Co powie Gilek”
13.The City-State of New Lower ManhattanCompulsory Consumerist State“World's largest city since 2080”
14.The Free Land of The Witch KingdomAnarchy“There is No Such Thing as Too Much Freedom”
15.The Empire of LitchenstienenAuthoritarian Democracy“Forward. Together.”
16.The Alex is a miscreant of West PaceAnarchy“We do not accept ungrateful oversensitive parasites.”
17.The Republic of LiberiHominesAnarchy“Neque Metus Neque Deditio”
18.The Republic of VichyFranceCivil Rights Lovefest“Liberty, Eqaulity and Fraternity”
19.The One of the Twin Peaks of GorziScandinavian Liberal Paradise“What Year Is This?”
20.The Pretitle of Spiritual Lyrical Individual MiraclesScandinavian Liberal Paradise“National Motto”
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