The Most Corrupt Governments in Aspen

World Census officials visited a range of government departments and recorded how frequently bribes were required to complete simple administrative requests.

As a region, Aspen is ranked 5,517th in the world for Most Corrupt Governments.

1.The Imperial Military State of Novaya EquestriaDemocratic Socialists“Viva la Vida!”
2.The Holy Dominion of 2053Corporate Police State“Wow the world is exploding”
3.The Holy Alariastic Dynasty of Great Xanarcica EmpireMother Knows Best State“Loyalty, Strength, Victory, Hope and Pride”
4.The Voghulian State of GreatduxMoralistic Democracy“dubya dubya dubya dot voghulia dot vee-jay”
5.The People's Technocracy of Kastopoli SalegliariPsychotic Dictatorship“ΔΟΞΑ ΣΤΟ ΠΡΟΛΕΤΑΡΙΑΤΟ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΝ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΗ”
6.The You are beautiful of AttestaltarragabyLeft-Leaning College State“You are beautiful”
7.The Kingdom of XerxiasCorporate Police State“Surrender Allegiance.”
8.The Bloc de republik a la of INGSOC de QuebecoisPsychotic Dictatorship“Steriotypically naming political parties of Canada.”
9.The Empire of Millwellbee IncCorporate Police State“Now 500 millilitres less pharmaceuticals per bottle”
10.The Rogue Nation of GSN29Psychotic Dictatorship“Tiocfaidh ár lá”
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