The Most Corrupt Governments in Aspen

World Census officials visited a range of government departments and recorded how frequently bribes were required to complete simple administrative requests.

As a region, Aspen is ranked 5,445th in the world for Most Corrupt Governments.

141.The Colony of Kelran KelbaniaCorporate Bordello“Heil Wert!”
142.The Principality of Western PolishLiberal Democratic Socialists“United”
143.The Rogue Nation of ClystwellCorporate Bordello“We Will Endure”
144.The Constitutional Monarchy of Limited time offerCivil Rights Lovefest“The The of of”
145.The Commonwealth of Kelbanian-Bealtian Colonial EmpireNew York Times Democracy“Peace, Unity, Freedom”
146.The Dominion of New Marburg and IquilanisLiberal Democratic Socialists“United we shall stay!”
147.The Dominion of Lethinian BrasienburgLiberal Democratic Socialists“Praise the Purple Dictator”
148.The Republic of LitemariaCivil Rights Lovefest“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
149.The Republic of New WindusiaLeft-wing Utopia“Unity in Diversity, Freedom for All”
150.The United Kingdom of Lethinia and BrasienburgLiberal Democratic Socialists“Yeah I’m Lethinia”
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