The Most Advanced Law Enforcement in Aspen

World Census interns were framed for minor crimes in order to measure the response times, effectiveness, and amount of firepower deployed by the law enforcement agencies of different nations.

As a region, Aspen is ranked 7,367th in the world for Most Advanced Law Enforcement.

31.The Gracious Corporate Dominion of East SerentiaIron Fist Consumerists“Glory to the Corporation, Glory to the Motherland.”
32.The Dominion of Miyoka FoxIron Fist Consumerists“Silent Shadows, Unyielding Strength.”
33.The Queendom of Republic of LibrianoCivil Rights Lovefest“In God we trust and share our love.”
34.The Peoples republic of Brunswaldin kanadiaCorrupt Dictatorship“Wy sille sterk stean!”
35.The Capitalist Technate of Arsen Republic of StrateniaFather Knows Best State“Arsen science and innovation for the Arsen Fatherland”
36.The Parliament monarchy of AlvosaIron Fist Consumerists“Alvosans forever unite to lead us to victory!”
37.The Dictatorship of Authoritarian WindusiaIron Fist Consumerists“You Can't Stop Progress”
38.The Republic of New HeimInoffensive Centrist Democracy“For God, with God”
39.The Dictatorship of KsiphosCorporate Police State“From Many, One”
40.The Federation of United Socialist Republics of LaciaMoralistic Democracy“Work, People, Military!”
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