The Largest Information Technology Sector in Aspen

World Census staff compiled lists over Smart Phone related traffic accidents to determine which nations have the largest Information Technology industries.

As a region, Aspen is ranked 5,410th in the world for Largest Information Technology Sector.

141.The Queendom of Enlighted QueendomInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Sapientia et Libertas in Aequilibrio”
142.The Rogue Nation of Demon KylioBenevolent Dictatorship“*Cheeky Foxy Noises*”
143.The Rogue Nation of ClystwellCorporate Bordello“We Will Endure”
144.The Empire of The Atreides lmperiumPsychotic Dictatorship“Through Honor, Strength; Through Strength, Unity.”
145.The Worst Nation in Aspen of ArthorniaMoralistic Democracy“Yee”
146.The Republic of New HeimInoffensive Centrist Democracy“For God, with God”
147.The Matriarchy of AskxnoshiScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Rage, Love, Lust on fireeeee”
148.The Holy Lusati Dynasty of CzesfjordNew York Times Democracy“Fly through the cracks.”
149.The Community of RyllandballAnarchy“:3”
150.The People's Free States of ZeniforzaDemocratic Socialists“Equality, Justice, Independence”
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