The Most Advanced Public Transport in Ancient Lands

World Census experts captured, tagged, and released trains in order to identify which nations have the most extensive, well-funded public transportation systems.

As a region, Ancient Lands is ranked 23,979th in the world for Most Advanced Public Transport.

1.The Matriarch's District of TarroMother Knows Best State“Our Community”
2.The Iiiiiiiiiiii of IiiiiiiiiiiiiInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Iiiiiiiiiiii”
3.The State of PapazaNew York Times Democracy“Monumental”
4.The Queen's State of AndryaMother Knows Best State“State”
5.The Queen's Royal Province of Kire-LiamMother Knows Best State“Too many ideas”
6.The Sovereign State of LavuistuviaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Who actually reads these?”
7.The State of Samhain KnightCorrupt Dictatorship“Forever Knight”
8.The District of VatnsnesvegurIron Fist Consumerists“our community”
9.The Grand Militaristic Autocracy of Imperial TengriPsychotic Dictatorship“the Army is life; resistance is death”
10.The Dominion of Uncle TiberiusPsychotic Dictatorship“Hmm... I smell FLESH!”
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