The Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry in Ambition

The World Census measured the rate of desertification in order to calculate which nations have the largest timber industry.

As a region, Ambition is ranked 14,612th in the world for Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry.

1.The Republic of SSN22Psychotic Dictatorship“Erin Go Bragh”
2.The Iron Islands Queen of Yara GreyjoyCivil Rights Lovefest“We Do Not Sow”
3.The Kalos Champion of KaruneCivil Rights Lovefest“All is dust”
4.The Loving Couple of -Fan-ArtIron Fist Consumerists“Lumity”
5.The Republic of WankarstanInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Peace and Justice”
6.The Disputed Territories of LecberiaCorporate Police State“We have lost to the people”
7.The Captain of Sarah FortuneCivil Rights Lovefest“Fortune doesn't favor fools”
8.The Kingdom of Tony StarkCivil Rights Lovefest“Following’s not really my style”
9.The Queendom of Elysia RoseCivil Rights Lovefest“All is dust”
10.The Pilot of Aya FujisawaCivil Rights Lovefest“All is dust”
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