The Most Rebellious Youth in Ambition

World Census observers counted the number of times their car stereo was stolen from outside fast food stores to determine which nations have relatively high levels of youth-related crime.

As a region, Ambition is ranked 2,232nd in the world for Most Rebellious Youth.

4,421.The Lucky Charm of Mike GoutokujiLeft-wing Utopia“All I can do, is keep moving forward”
4,422.The Fashion Idol of Alice HiiragiLibertarian Police State“Everything I've always wanted... Mine!”
4,423.The Red Water of HanudaCompulsory Consumerist State“Immerse in the red water.”
4,424.The People's Republic of GatlinburgFather Knows Best State“Gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains”
4,425.The Nomadic Peoples of 2009Compulsory Consumerist State“Rawr xD”
4,426.The Ultimate Swordswoman of Pekoyama PekoCivil Rights Lovefest“I am only a blade for my master to wield”
4,427.The Elite Four Member of Jakuzure NononLeft-Leaning College State“The music is lacking a certain something, you know?”
4,428.The Witch of Noel NiihashiLeft-wing Utopia“Wearing a uniforms means I don't have to prove who I am”
4,429.The Investigator of FischlCivil Rights Lovefest“Answering the call of destiny”
4,430.The Dragon Republic of TormLiberal Democratic Socialists“Justice and Good above all”
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