The Most Advanced Law Enforcement in Ambition

World Census interns were framed for minor crimes in order to measure the response times, effectiveness, and amount of firepower deployed by the law enforcement agencies of different nations.

As a region, Ambition is ranked 21,746th in the world for Most Advanced Law Enforcement.

11.The Lesbian Kingdom of SapphlandLiberal Democratic Socialists“Pour paix et gloire”
12.The Republic of AiekenCorporate Police State“Tyranny is enlightenment”
13.The Ghoul of Eto YoshimuraInoffensive Centrist Democracy“What cannot change can only be broken”
14.The Rat of VikalaCivil Rights Lovefest“The divine rat pins her hopes on the wide-open skies”
15.The Dragon Republic of TormLiberal Democratic Socialists“Justice and Good above all”
16.The Kingdom of August HillsFather Knows Best State“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
17.The Engineer of Relius CloverScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Pointless”
18.The Tsundere of NatsukiCivil Rights Lovefest“Raiding IS literature”
19.The Golden Witch of EVA-BeatriceFather Knows Best State“Why don't you just give up and die?”
20.The Shogunate of Aya-GozenScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Those who get in the way of order will meet a swift end”
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